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Our Early Years Team

Our Team are what makes our Nursery such a magical place, having a rich variety of skills and talents across different generations. As we get to know our families, we hope this Meet the Team information will enable you to get to know us too! Here you will find a little bit of information on each member of our nursery team along with a photo to help you recognise us as you get to know the Explorers team.

Team Nest 

Mrs Riley, Early Years Phase Leader

BA (Hons) Early Years Care and Education, PGCE with Qualified Teacher Status

Over 10 years service

"Having grown up in the New Forest and now living locally with my husband and son (and two cats), I have worked in a range of childcare settings and have been part of Team Hordle for more than ten years, working in Early Years education for more than nineteen. I love working with young children and I believe it is a true privilege to care for and educate your young children.

In my spare time, I enjoy walking in the forest and along the cliff tops and spending time pottering about in my garden. During the school holidays, I love nothing more than exploring and visiting new places or escaping to the mountains for some skiing or hiking."

Mrs Ewing, Deputy Nursery Manager

BA (Hons) Open (Education, Childhood & Youth), Early Years Initial Teacher Training

Over 8 years service

"I have been working within Early Years for more than fourteen years and have been at Hordle since 2016. We moved to the New Forest in 2015 from London and I still consider myself so very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world.

I am an animal lover and enjoy taking care of our pets at home - our tropical fish, two rabbits, one hamster, our horse Rosie and our three owls. I am not blessed in the art of cookery (as my family delight in telling everyone) but I do enjoy baking. I also enjoy being creative and am currently trying to build and decorate my own dolls house. Mostly though, I enjoy reading and spending time with my husband and our two teenage children. I have brought my love of reading into Nest by creating a welcoming book corner."

Mrs Lea


Mrs Foy


Miss Fletcher

NCFE L2 for the Early Years Practitioner

"My name is Jasmine and I really enjoy working at Hordle Explorers. I have completed my Level 2 Early Years qualification and I am working towards my Level 3. I am currently learning to drive and in my spare time I like to bake and cook."

Miss Caffyn


Team Wild

Mrs Riley, Early Years Phase Leader

BA (Hons) Early Years Care and Education, PGCE with Qualified Teacher Status

Over 10 years service

"Having grown up in the New Forest and now living locally with my husband and son (and two cats), I have worked in a range of childcare settings and have been part of Team Hordle for more than ten years, working in Early Years education for more than nineteen. I love working with young children and I believe it is a true privilege to care for and educate your young children.

In my spare time, I enjoy walking in the forest and along the cliff tops and spending time pottering about in my garden. During the school holidays, I love nothing more than exploring and visiting new places or escaping to the mountains for some skiing or hiking."

Mrs Aucott, Deputy Nursery Manager

Level 3 in Children’s Care, Learning and Development

"I have had the privilege of working in a range of different childcare settings, working with children aged five years and under. I started my career in a small town in Oxfordshire before moving to the New Forest in 2009.

I am a single mum to two children and we have two pet rabbits, Bingo and Lola who we love very much. I love everything about the countryside, from going for walks in the forest to driving my dad’s vintage tractors when we get the chance to visit my parents in Oxfordshire. I like spending time at the beach making various creations in the sand and collecting shells. I love to cook with my children and we often enjoy singing and dancing to the radio in the kitchen whilst cooking. I love to sing and I was once a head chorister in my local church! I also like to read when I get a few minutes. I can’t wait to get to know you and your child this year and help them along their journey at Hordle Explorers."

Miss Adams


Mrs Absalom

Level 2 Diploma for Early Years Practitioner

"I have previously worked with children in various settings and I’m really enjoying my time with team Wild. My favourite job is being a mummy but I’m also lucky I still get to sing and dance professionally with a local company. I also like taking my dogs for a walk and going shopping."

Mr Ewing

"I have just completed my A-Levels and I am currently learning to drive, and hope to take my test soon. In my spare time, I enjoy socialising with my friends and listening to music. I also have a stick insect called Twiglet. I have joined the team as an Apprentice and I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know the children in Team Wild. I also work at After School Club so your children may see me there too!"



Miss Hooper