Autumn Term 1 - Week One - Friday 6th September 2024
Welcome Back from Miss Trim!
Dear Parents, Carers and Member of Our School Community,
Firstly, welcome back! I do hope this newsletter finds you well-rested and recharged after what I trust was a wonderful summer break.
As the new year begins here at Hordle, I would like to welcome back all of our children, staff and the new families who have joined us this term. It is a true joy to see the school filled, once again, with the excitment of all our team members, ready to get back to learning and living life; life in all its fullness!
We are thrilled to update you on some exciting changes which have happened at Hordle over the summer holidays and I would like to take this moment to thank my incredible team for their dedication to all things Hordle. Over the summer, our Nest garden has been fully landscaped, thanks to our staff team securing a bid for some funding. As a result, we now have a brand new outside area, designed by our Early Years Team, for our youngest pupils to enjoy. We are very much looking forward to seeing them explore the grounds in all weather!
Meanwhile, there is a brand new set of play equipment along the Daily Mile track which has been funded by Team Patch. Having voted for the equipment they would like to see back in the Summer Term, it was a real joy to see the children's faces when they arrived on Wednesday. We look forward to adventurous play times in the future.
Lastly, after some fifteen years of campaigning, we are delighted to share that we have had brand new toilets installed across the school, and we couldn't be more pleased with the results. These newly refurbished facilities are a significant improvement and reflect our ongoing commitment to providing the very best environment for all our children. I am eternally grateful to our projects manager, Mrs Slattery, for her relentless efforts to secure the funding from the diocese for this refurbishment.
In the current educational climate, there is a significant lack of funding for schools and so, given the extremely difficulty financial pressures we are facing, these bids and the efforts of Team Patch have truly helped to transform the school grounds. I am proud to work in a school where the whole team works so tirelessly to create just the right environment for our children. I do hope you will get to see our changes soon.
In the meantime, I hope you and your children have settled into your new routines and I wish you all the best for the term ahead. As always, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your class teacher or myself.
Kind regards,
Miss Trim
Welcome to Our New Team Hordle Staff Members
Please join us in welcoming our new team members;
Miss Amy Cazneaux - Deputy Headteacher and Team Oak Teacher
Miss Ellie Dawson - Teacher, Team Wilverley
Miss Maya Yates - Teacher, Team Hedgehog
Mrs Beth Foy - Team Nest
Miss Rosie Caffyn - Team Nest
Miss Paige Hooper - Team Wild
Mrs Laura Walsh - Team Nest and Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant
We are very pleased to have you all onboard as part of Team Hordle.
We’re excited to remind you about Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots, two excellent online platforms designed to support your child’s maths learning in a fun and interactive way!
Times Tables Rockstars helps children master their multiplication tables through exciting games and challenges, while Numbots focuses on building solid foundations in addition and subtraction skills. Both platforms are fantastic for boosting your child’s confidence and fluency in maths, and they are easily accessible from home!
How to Use Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots at Home
- Log in regularly: Just 5-10 minutes a day on each platform can make a big difference. Consistency is the key to building strong maths skills.
- Play together: Engage with your child by playing along, setting challenges, and celebrating their progress.
- Track progress: Both platforms provide feedback on your child’s improvement, helping you see how much they’re growing.
Why It's Important
Mastering times tables, addition, and subtraction is fundamental for many areas of maths, from problem-solving to understanding fractions and beyond. Quick recall of these facts helps children tackle more complex problems with confidence, both in school and in real-life situations, like shopping or handling money.
By making learning fun through Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots, we can ensure your child builds a solid mathematical foundation, preparing them for future success.
Every child has a log on for these platforms and we look forward to sharing with you, each week, the progress and engagement (results of the 'Rockers and Robots of The Week' are shared in the newsletter each week, after our school news and reminders.
Thank you for your continued support in making maths enjoyable and rewarding for your child
Missing Library Books - Please Help!
After a post-summer audit, we are currently missing over 90 of our library books (this equates to over £800!). Due to the volume and therefore cost, it is not viable for us to replace these. We are so proud of our wonderful library and it is a shame that we now have so many books missing.
Therefore, we would like to ask all parents and children to have a look at home and return any library books to their class teacher or reception.
A house point is available to each child returning a book!
New Milton Library Summer Reading Challenge
A big 'Well Done' to all of the children who participated in this years Summer Reading Challenge at New Milton Library.
A reminder that the final date for the Summer Reading Challenge finishes at the library on Saturday 7th September, so please ensure you visit the library on (or before) this date, to finish the challenge and collect medals and certificates!
School Tours for Reception Pupils Joining in September 2025
School Tour bookings are now open for our next year's cohort of Year R pupils, starting school in September 2025.
To book a space on one of our tours, please either call the school on 01425 611657 or email adminoffice@hordle.hants.sch.uk. Tour places are limited and therefore, booking is essential.
Please share with any family and/or friends who have a child due to start Reception in September 2025, who may be interested in joining our Ofsted Outstanding school.
Our School Nurses will be returning this year, on Thursday 3rd October, to provide children with their annual nasal flu vaccination. High vaccination rates are key to preventing the spread of infectious diseases and therefore, we encourage all parents to consent to the vaccination at school or if preferred or necessary due to other medical conditions, to book via your doctors surgery.
Please may we ask parents to consent (or decline) via the link below:
Link: https://www.hampshirehealthyfamilies.org.uk/nasal-flu-vaccination-programme
School Code: SH116486
Last year's uptake rate across Hampshire was 69% for primary age children and for Team Hordle, we achieved an uptake of 70.21% (the target set by NHS England is 75%).
Thank you for helping us promote a healthy environment in our school, as well as the wider community.
Parents who don’t want their child to have the nasal spray because of the very small amounts of porcine gelatine (used as a stabiliser) can discuss the option of an injected vaccine with the school aged immunisation service. Please find their details via the link above.
Measles Vaccination
As you may be aware, in a bid to prevent a rise in measles cases similar to that seen in October 2023 with children returning to school, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has issued an urgent call to parents to ensure their children catch up on missed vaccinations before they head to the classroom, as UKHSA scales up the Childhood Immunisation Marketing Campaign across England amid fears of a further surge in measles cases as the new term begins.
The campaign shares the urgent message that “if children aren’t vaccinated, they’re not protected”.
Please can we remind all parents to ensure that their children's vaccinations are up to date, helping to protect them and others.
Thank you.
Hordle Hub Clubs
As a reminder, Hordle Hub Clubs are back from week commencing Monday 9th September.
Our Autumn Term Hub Club Timetable can be found here.
Please ensure you have booked and paid for your child's places via Scopay and/or via the relevant external club, as required.
We must recieve a payment before we can accept your child at a club.
School Dinner - Price Increase
A polite reminder that as of Monday 2nd September, the price of school meals will be increasing from £3 to £3.20 per meal, for all pupils and young people across Hampshire who purchase school meals through Hampshire County Council's Education Catering.
Please click on the link below if you believe you may be eligible for free school meals and you are not already in receipt of this.
FSM Eligibility
Your child may be eligible for Free School Meals if you or your partner receive:
♦ Income Support
♦ Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
♦ Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
♦ Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
♦ the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
♦ Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
♦ Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit · Universal Credit - if you applied on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get).
If your child is eligible for and getting free school meals, they’ll remain eligible until they finish their schooling at Hordle.
If eligible, in addition to free school meals, your child will also receive:
♦ One free Hordle Hub Club per term
♦ Up to 3x Free Breakfast Club places per week (issued half termly- subject to availability)
♦ Free school jumper annually
♦ Free P.E Top at the start of a new phase (on arrival into the school and again at the start of Year 3)
♦ Free places for various holiday clubs across Hampshire (if they part of the HAF Programme)
If you think your child/ren may be eligible, please click HERE for further details on how to apply.
If you would like some help or to speak to someone about Free School Meal entitlement, please speak to Mrs Rook or Miss Blatch in the School Office.
Updating Contact Details on Arbor
Please can we ask all parents/guardians to download the Arbor App if you do not already have it and double check all the information is correct.
It is essential that we have up to date contact details, including home address, for parents/guardians and any emergency contacts listed on your child’s pupil file. This is our safeguarding duty.
Please note, that if changing your address, we will require proof of address for any change of address records. Please provide this to the school office.
If you have multiple children at the school, you will need to update the profiles of all children separately as it will not update automatically.
Should you wish to change or confirm who is able to collect your child from school, please collect a Pick Up Protocol form from the office.
Thank you for your support in ensuring our records are kept up to date.
School Uniform
Please can we ask parents to ensure all new school uniform, bottles, lunch boxes and any other item which your child may bring to school is clearly named.
We had an extremely high volume of lost property last year, which unfortunately, we were unable to return to families as none of it was named.
Please click here for further information on how to apply.
We would like to remind parents/guardians of the term dates for the next couple of months.
Parents are strongly advised by the Government and Local Authority to avoid taking children out of school in term time because of the disruption it causes to their education.
Please refer to 3rd May 2024 Newsletter for further attendance guidance.
Friday 25th October - Last Day of Autumn Term 1
Monday 4th November - Inset Day
Tuesday 5th November - First Day of Autumn 2
Friday 20th December - Last Day of Autumn 2
12 Jul 2024
"It's a good life, sharing these moments together..."
Wow, Year 6, you were incredible! Just the most amazing performance of Peter Pan. We are so very proud of you.
One of the highlights of the year!
11 Jul 2024
During Art Club, we have been learning about the Austrian painter, Gustav Klimt and looking at the colours, line and shape used in his Tree of Life Painting. The children were inspired to paint their own Tree of Life.
11 Jul 2024
We are delighted to share that Coach Dobson and Coach Marden have been working hard behind the scenes to submit an application for the School Games mark and we have been successfully awarded the Platinum. Our Certificate is now pride of place in the reception!
A huge thank you for all y...
04 Jul 2024
Earlier this week, Team Hordle hosted a mini dance festival with children from Foxhills. The children all enjoyed demonstrating their 'seasons' dances. It was a joy to see such creativity and teamwork in their performances.
Great Teamwork Team Hordle and Team Foxhills!
05 Sep 2024
We have had a great first week back at Den and are currently on the topic 'all about me'.
The children have enjoyed getting creative making self portraits and drawing their family and favourite things to do and eat!
04 Jul 2024
This week, Den have enjoyed using our new interactive whiteboard!
The children have especially loved playing 'Teachers' with one another, as well as games such as hangman. There has been some wonderful teamwork and problem-solving from our Den children.
We hope to utilise our IWB...
05 Sep 2024
A huge thank you to our AMAZING Team PATCH who raised enough funds to install some brand new adventure play equipment around the daily mile track.
The children were SO excited to test it out today.
12 Jul 2024
We are extremely happy to share with you another absolutely awesome total raised by Team PATCH this year.
Lots of hard work from Team PATCH has all been worth it. Over the course of the year PATCH have organised a variety of events which have raised an outstanding...
In the meantime, keep practising and banking those coins.
For those who are unable to access, please speak to your class teacher.