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THE Greening Campaign


On Tuesday 30th April, several of our children were invited to attend THE (Tiptoe, Hordle & Everton) Greening Campaign meeting, organised by Hordle Parish Council.

The children had entered a recent competition to create a poster or poem to highlight the current issues surrounding climate change and we were delighted with their entries!

We are pleased to announce the winners were:

Y5 Winner - Evelyn

Y5 Runner Up - Sonny

Y6 Winner - Olivia

Y6 Runner Up - George

The children received eco themed prizes including plants and seeds to grow and hand made bird boxes to help create nature spaces in our gardens.

During the meeting the children learnt more about T.H.E Greening Campaign which is an initiative to support our local community in making small changes that could make a big difference to our own impact on the environment.

More information on the launch event, which will be hosted by Hordle Parish Council in the coming months will be shared with families. 

Well done to our fantastic Eco team for sharing their passion for the environment with our local community!