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Our School Day


Foundation Stage (Year R) Infants (Years 1 & 2) Juniors (Years 3-6)
09.00 - Registration closes 09.00 - Registration closes 09.00 - Registration closes
09.05 - AM Session 1 09.05 - AM Session 1 09.05 - AM Session 1
10.25 - Infant Playtime  10.25 - Infant Playtime  10.45 - Junior Playtime
10.40 - AM Session 2 10.40 - AM Session 2 11.00 - AM Session 2
11.50 - Infant Lunch  12.00 - Infant Lunch  12.30 - Junior Lunch 
12.50 - PM Session 1 13.00 - PM Session 1 13.30 - PM Session 1
14.15 - Infant Playtime  14.15 - Infant Playtime   
15.00 - Collective Worship 15.00 - Collective Worship 15.00 - Collective Worship
15.25 - Infant End of Day  15.25 - Infant End of Day  15.25 - Junior End of Day 
The school day is from 9am to 3.25pm, a total of 32 hours and 10 minutes per week

We are delighted to offer wraparound care at The Den at Hordle (CE) Primary School to all nursery and school children.

The Den Breakfast Club opens at 8am and offers a range of breakfast options followed by indoor and outdoor activities.  The Den After School Club offers sessions from 3.30-5.30pm.

Please click here for more details.