Summer Term 2 - Week 6 - Friday 12th July 2024
A 'Thank You' from Miss Trim
Dear Parents,
As my first year in post draws to a close, I wish to express my sincere thanks to you - our wider community - for your unwavering support.
Firstly, your children have been nothing short of incredible. I am truly humbled to come to work every day and have such an incredible team of children. They work so very hard in their lessons and bring so much joy into school with their passion and enthusiasm for all aspects of learning and life.
I would like to thank you, my parents. As another year draws to a close and another set of Year 6 parents prepare to leave us, I recognise the difference you make to our community. You are so supportive. Thank you for taking time out to join us for exit points or parent drops ins. Thank you for joining us at Meet the Teacher meetings or choir performances or nativities or shows. You help bring the school to life, to make special memories and your support is always greatly appreciated. When a community work together, anything is truly possible.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my wonderful team. In every corner of Team Hordle, there are amazing members of our school community who make a significant difference. To my incredible teachers and TAs across the whole school, you astound me. Every day, you pour your energy into greeting the children warmly and providing a safe, nurturing environment with rich learning opportunities. To my admin team who organise school trips, keep the school safe, balance the books and bid for grants to keep our school looking smart, thank you. And, of course, there is our extended team, those we don't see very often but who also work extremely hard, thank you.
May I take this time to wish you all a well-deserved rest. There is a statistic somewhere that says by the time your child is 12, you will have spent 75% of the time you will spend with them in their lifetime. Now, whether this is true or not, it does remind us to make the most of these precious times. Enjoy the holidays, make special memories and stay safe.
We'll see you in September.
Your proud Headteacher,
Miss Trim
Hordle Hub Clubs
As a reminder, there will be no Hordle Hub Clubs running next week.
To confirm, the Autumn timetable for next year will be issued on Wednesday 4th September from 12.
Staff News
We are sad to announce that Miss Keeler (Key Stage 1) and Miss Cooper (Foundation Stage) will be moving on to pastures new as they embark on new roles at a local school, supporting pupils with additional needs.
We wish them all the very best in their new roles and thank them both for their hard work and the support they have given our children.
New additions to the team will be announced very soon.
New School Hours
This is a reminder to families that from September, the school gates will open at 8.45am, rather than the current 8.40am, with the school day beginning at 9am. The school day will end at 3.25pm.
Parent Survey
We would very much like to gather the views of parents to inform our annual self-evaluation and would therefore like to invite parents/guardians to complete
Outcomes will be shared with staff and governors.
Thank you in advance for completing this quick survey.
Hordle Sports Academy Assembly
On the last day of term, Tuesday 23rd July, Coach Dobson will be holding a special HSA assembly. During this time, Coach will be handing out certificates and badges, celebrating all of the children's sporting achievements which they have worked hard for either during internal sports/hub clubs or with external providers.
If any parents have any pictures of their children at any external clubs/sporting events which they would like to share with the school during the HSA assembly, please email to Coach (caroline.dobson@hordleprimary.co.uk) so that she can add to the PowerPoint.
Please ensure these are sent in no later than Friday 19th July.
School Dinner - Price Increase
We have been informed from Hampshire County Council, that as of Monday 2nd September, the price of school meals will be increasing from £3 to £3.20 per meal, for all pupils and young people across Hampshire who purchase school meals through Hampshire County Council's Education Catering.
We would like to apologise for the late notice. However, we have only received confirmation this week.
Please click on the link below if you believe you may be eligible for free school meals and you are not already in receipt of this.
FSM Eligibility
Your child may be eligible for Free School Meals if you or your partner receive:
♦ Income Support
♦ Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
♦ Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
♦ Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
♦ the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
♦ Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
♦ Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit · Universal Credit - if you applied on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get).
If your child is eligible for and getting free school meals, they’ll remain eligible until they finish their schooling at Hordle.
If eligible, in addition to free school meals, your child will also receive:
♦ One free Hordle Hub Club per term
♦ Up to 3x Free Breakfast Club places per week (issued half termly- subject to availability)
♦ Free school jumper annually
♦ Free P.E Top at the start of a new phase (on arrival into the school and again at the start of Year 3)
♦ Free places for various holiday clubs across Hampshire (if they part of the HAF Programme)
If you think your child/ren may be eligible, please click HERE for further details on how to apply.
If you would like some help or to speak to someone about Free School Meal entitlement, please speak to Mrs Rook or Miss Blatch in the School Office.
4 Way Traffic Lights
Please be aware, on Sunday afternoon there will be 4-way traffic lights installed at the crossroads.
Next week, please can you be extra cautious when travelling to and from school and please allow extra time if driving.
Year 5 & Year 6 Road Safety
The Road Safety Team want to support the parents of your Year 5 & 6 students as they begin their transition to travelling more independently.
The majority of Year 7 students travel to school independently. For many, this might be their first independent journey, therefore we want to highlight the importance of the making responsible choices when travelling to and from school. In order to support this transition, we would like to share this newsletter with you.
We hope it will support you with your child’s next steps, whether that be giving their children the opportunity to begin to practice those independent journeys in Year 6, perhaps a short way from school or making that new journey to their secondary school at the start of Year 7.
Updating Contact Details on Arbor
It is essential that we have up to date contact details for parents/guardians and any emergency contacts listed on your child’s pupil file. This is our safeguarding duty. Please can we ask all parents/guardians to download the Arbor App if you do not already have it and double check all the information is correct.
It is also a safeguarding duty that we have an up to date/current home address. If you change contact details or move house, please update your details via the Arbor App. Please note, that if changing your address, we will require proof of address for any change of address records. Please provide this to the school office.
If you have multiple children at the school, you will need to update the profiles of all children separately as it will not update automatically.
Should you wish to change or confirm who is able to collect your child from school, please collect a Pick Up Protocol form from the office.
Thank you for your support in ensuring our records are kept up to date.
Medicine Collection
Please ensure that you collect any medicine from school before Tuesday 23rd July.
This includes all emergency kits such as EpiPens, Inhalers and other prescription medication. Any medicines still in school on the last day of term will be disposed of.
For all emergency kits and any other medication children will be bringing to school in September, we will require a new Medication Form to be completed.
Nest Garden Development / Back Gate Closure
As previously communicated, due to the outdoor area developments, Nest classroom will remain closed for the remainder of this term and the back gate to school will also be out of action from 8th July, until we break up for the summer break.
For those who use their bikes and scooters to travel to/from school, please can we ask that these are stored safely around the back of the ball court, on the grassed area, until the end of term.
We look forward to sharing our new garden with our families in September.
Parent Meet the Teacher Meetings
Please be reminded of the remaining Meet the Teacher afternoons, as stated below.
There will be a presentation from the team including topics for the coming year, changes in routine and homework. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
Please find the dates and times of the parent meetings below:
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) - Tuesday 16th July at 2.45pm
Upper Juniors (Years 5 & 6) - Friday 19th July at 2:45pm
A presentation will be sent out by email following the meetings which will cover all of the points discussed, for any parents unable to attend.
For the Lower Junior Meet the Teacher presentation, please click here.
Last Day of Term
Our last day of term before the Summer Holiday will be Tuesday 23rd July. We would like to remind parents that school will be closing at 1pm that day.
Den will be open until 5pm on this day but this will need to booked and paid for via your child's Scopay account at your soonest convenience, to secure your child's place.
Year 6 Leavers - Scopay Balances
Please can we request that Year 6 parents check Scopay balances and ensure that any outstanding balances are cleared promptly. We will shortly be starting to process our leavers in readiness for the end of term, at which point Scopay accounts will close.
Please also check if you have a surplus balance (e.g. dinners) and use these funds over the last week.
Thank you in advance
School Uniform & Lost Property
We are still having a high volume of lost property handed in, most of which is unnamed.
Please can we ask for ALL uniform to be fully named.
Please check for missing items.
Anything remaining at the end of term will be donated to charity.
Please click here for further information on how to apply.
We would like to remind parents/guardians of the term dates for the next couple of months.
Parents are strongly advised by the Government and Local Authority to avoid taking children out of school in term time because of the disruption it causes to their education.
Please refer to 3rd May 2024 Newsletter for further attendance guidance.
Academic Year 2023/24
Tuesday 23rd July -
Last Day of Summer Term 2
Academic Year 2024/25
Monday 2nd September -
Inset Day
Tuesday 3rd September
Inset Day
Wednesday 4th September
First Day of Autumn Term 1
Academic Year 2024/25
Friday 25th October
Last Day of Autumn Term 1
Monday 4th November
Inset Day
Tuesday 5th November
First Day of Autumn 2
Friday 20th December
Last Day of Autumn 2
12 Jul 2024
"It's a good life, sharing these moments together..."
Wow, Year 6, you were incredible! Just the most amazing performance of Peter Pan. We are so very proud of you.
One of the highlights of the year!
11 Jul 2024
During Art Club, we have been learning about the Austrian painter, Gustav Klimt and looking at the colours, line and shape used in his Tree of Life Painting. The children were inspired to paint their own Tree of Life.
11 Jul 2024
As part of Summer Safety Week, the FS children had a visit from three Lymington Coastguards. Children learnt about staying safe on the coast and how to make a 999 call. They also had the chance to visit the Coastguard vehicle and all the equipment.
Thank you so much to the coastguard team at Lymi...
09 Jul 2024
John 10:10 'Living life; life in all its fullness' is our school vision and we would like to extend our thanks to our wider community for supporting our pupils in raising funds for a wide range of local, national and global charities.
The children are learning to become global citizens an...
11 Jul 2024
We are delighted to share that Coach Dobson and Coach Marden have been working hard behind the scenes to submit an application for the School Games mark and we have been successfully awarded the Platinum. Our Certificate is now pride of place in the reception!
A huge thank you for all y...
04 Jul 2024
Earlier this week, Team Hordle hosted a mini dance festival with children from Foxhills. The children all enjoyed demonstrating their 'seasons' dances. It was a joy to see such creativity and teamwork in their performances.
Great Teamwork Team Hordle and Team Foxhills!
04 Jul 2024
This week, Den have enjoyed using our new interactive whiteboard!
The children have especially loved playing 'Teachers' with one another, as well as games such as hangman. There has been some wonderful teamwork and problem-solving from our Den children.
We hope to utilise our IWB...
27 Jun 2024
This week in Den the children have enjoyed painting with coloured ice. They created lots of different patterns and also enjoyed melting it in their hands.
We have loved being outside, exploring the bubbles and playing various ball games (in the shade, of course!).
12 Jul 2024
We are extremely happy to share with you another absolutely awesome total raised by Team PATCH this year.
Lots of hard work from Team PATCH has all been worth it. Over the course of the year PATCH have organised a variety of events which have raised an outstanding...
09 May 2024
Now the sun has started to shine, Ice lolly Fridays are back!
Team Patch will be at several locations after school on Fridays, selling ice creams and lollies for just £1 each.
This year, Team Patch will also be offering a 'free from' lolly too! These will be...
Unfortunately, there is no data for Timestables Rockstars this week.
A big 'Well Done' to all the children who have been spending time collecting their coins!
We kindly request that parents of children in Year R, 1, 2 and 3 complete the following survey for feedback purposes.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this short survey.